Wednesday 3 June 2009


We Join the lads as the team coach pulls up at an amusement arcade in Glasgow.

Guzan: see i don’t understand how you’re

Friedel: number one!

Gabby: when it was just a fling before now, you’re the one

A.Young: see all i did was blink twice,

Shorey: from my homie to my only

Friedel: number one!

MON: Ho ho, you were right Nathan, that Dappy lad is a musical genius.

Delfouneso: I wasn't lying boss.

MON: Right lads we're here.

Carew: Where boss?

MON: Glasgow

*The coach groans*

A.Young: Glasgow, again boss?

MON: Aye lads, it's two birds with one stone. We get a holiday and gave our scouts a lift

The scouts: Cheers boss, see you in August.

*The scouts and their guide dogs leave the coach*

MON: I promised the fans of this great club players from outside of England and that's what they'll get. Right get out there and make me proud lads, Moustapha you're in charge.

Salifou: Really boss? I'm honoured, I'd just like to say....

MON: Of course not, you're staying on the coach

*the coach erupts with laughter*

MON: Gets him everytime. Isaiah you needn't laugh put your tracksuit jacket on.

Osbourne: But boss we're not even playing a match.

MON: I said put on your sub jacket.

*Osbourne mutters to himself as he zips up his jacket*


*Delfouneso is sitting in the Daytona Racing arcade race car "Insert Coin" flashing on the screen as he frantically steers left and right*

Delfounso: Look at me boss, I'm driving!

MON: Very good Nathan, very good.

*on the other side of the arcade*

Barry (sobbing on his knees): I can't believe I've lost it all

L.Young: What's up Gaz?

Barry (still sobbing): I've blown all my cash on the 2p sliders, they're all there hanging over the edge, it's almost like they're taunting me I can't resist, they should just fall surely.

Cuellar: yiz cannae change the laws of physics captain.

L.Young: It's not a problem mate I'll sub you some spending cash, how much did you lose anyway?

Barry: £3 million

L.Young: £3 million!? We've only been here half an hour.

*Gabby laughs at Salifou joke*

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